The ultimate resource for women seeking support and guidance in public speaking. You will find public speaking tips, and practical advice tailored to help women overcome the fear of public speaking, build confidence, and become powerful speakers. Start your journey towards becoming a confident and impactful speaker today. 

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Welcome to The Blog!

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We’ve all been there—meetings that leave us drained, distracted, and wondering if anything was really achieved. With so many meetings in our calendars, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But here’s the thing: a good chair can make all the difference, which is why learning how to run a successful meeting is worth the effort. In […]

How to Run a Successful Meeting: Tips for Clear Focused Discussions

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Finally, the temperature is starting to rise, and the days are getting longer. You might be looking forward to a break over the summer, maybe even a holiday in the sun. Many people find themselves yearning for those precious moments of respite, eagerly awaiting the next vacation or weekend break. But imagine if you could […]

Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety and Transform Your Life

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Do You Know 61% of Women Fear Being Judged When Speaking Up in Meetings? I can relate to that statistic, can you? When I feared public speaking, I avoided giving presentations, often afraid of being judged. I also kept quiet in other situations too, as I simply didn’t have the confidence to speak up in […]

Boost Your Confidence in Meetings: 5 Top Tips

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So, you’re serious about overcoming your fear of public speaking. You’re determined not to let public speaking anxiety hold you back anymore. You’ve set a clear public speaking goal and committed to taking regular, consistent action. Well done! Facing Public Speaking Anxiety Head-On You know that the best way to overcome your nerves and become […]

Public Speaking Nerves? Here’s How to Stay Calm and Focused

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For many people, public speaking can be a daunting experience. And it can sometimes feel like it’s impossible to overcome the fear of public speaking. I know, because that’s how I felt too! Don’t know where to start? I believe this is the best first step to overcome public speaking nerves and improve your confidence. […]

Your First Step to Overcome Nerves When Public Speaking

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Do you have an important presentation coming up? Writing a good presentation can be challenging, especially if you have a fear of public speaking. When you’re nervous about speaking in public, there’s a tendency to over prepare. Meaning you might feel the need to write and remember every word. However, a presentation is not a […]

image of a woman presenting

How to Prepare for a Big Presentation

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If you feel nervous about public speaking then you might have this common verbal tick…. filler words! How do I get rid of filler words? Filler words can be distracting, make you sound less confident, and diminish your overall message. But how do you remove words such as “um,” “ah,” and “like” especially when you […]

Ipad on desk with 5 steps to remove filler words

Impactful Public Speaking: 5 Steps to get rid of filler words

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